Thursday, December 20, 2018

Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions set up on your website

Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions set up on your website

A "Privacy Policy" agreement is required by law if you're collecting personal data from users, regardless of the platform used (website, mobile app, desktop app etc.): If you are selling something via your web store, you are collecting private information so you will need a Privacy Policy section. we can help you to complete this page.

Personal data is any kind of data that can identify an individual: email address, first and last name, billing and shipping address, credit card information, and so on. 
Privacy Policy for e-commerce stores Including a Privacy Policy agreement for your e-commerce store is not only required by law, but it also builds trust with your customers and ensures that you stay in line with your legal obligations. If you already have this agreement for your store, make sure to follow these tips: Disclose what kind of personal information you're collecting from your customers Disclose how the collected information may be shared or disclosed with third parties your store might be using (Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Google AdSense etc.) Inform how customers can review and change the information collected on them Make sure to include the policy's effective date 

Please contact us for more details: 510-684-7207 or email:

Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions set up on your website (one-time fee)